Our school day begins at 8.50am each day. The gates are open from 8.40am. Due to COVID-19, parents are not able to enter the school buildings. Please make sure your child arrives on time each day.
The children in Nursery finish school at 11.50am. Please collect your child from the Spon Playground.
The children in Reception can be collected from 2.50pm. Please collect your child from the Spon Playground.
All other children finish school at 3.00pm. Children in Years 1, 2, 3 and 5 should be collected from the Moat Playground. Children in Years 4 and 6 should be collected from the Spon Playground.

Gates open

School begins

Nursery finish

Reception finish

Years 1-6 finish
The school has a Breakfast Club which opens at 8.00am. Children can select from a range of cereals, toast, milk and squash. It costs £1 per day to attend and places must be booked in advance. Please speak to a member of the Office Team or one of our Learning Mentors to book a place.