Initial DetailsWhich academic year are you applying for?(Required) September 2024 September 2025 September 2026 Does your child currently have a place at another nursery?(Required) Yes No If yes, please tell us the name and address of the Nursery Child's DetailsChild's First Name(Required) Family Name / Surname(Required) Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Tick as appropriate(Required) Boy Girl Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code Parent's DetailsEmail Address(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Parents Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY National Insurance Number(Required) Name of Parents/Carer(Required) Relationship to child(Required)MotherFatherOther family memberOther relativeFoster carerStep fatherStep motherCarerOtherDo you have another child at Spon Gate Primary?(Required) Yes No If YES, name of child and their class Do you have a social worker/CAF?(Required) Yes No If YES, what is the name of the key worker? Does your child have a long term medical condition?(Required) Yes No If YES, what is the medical condition? Is your child toilet trained?(Required) Yes No Does your child have a special education need or a disability that you are aware of? Yes No If YES, tell us more Do you require a translator?(Required) Yes No If YES, what language do you speak? Subject to availability(Required) Places are subject to availability and we will be in contact with you to confirm your place. Before we can offer a place, we will need to invite you to an admissions meeting. Please note, we do not offer places for children under the age of 3. For information on providers who may be able to offer places for 2 year olds, please visit – tick to confirm you understand.GDPR(Required) The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) As a Data controller, Spon Gate Primary School are required to collect certain information in order to carry out our core functions of providing education and ensuring the wellbeing and welfare of children. We do this on the legal basis that we are required to as an authority and therefore require no further permission to do this. There are areas however where we do require your permission to use information for which we will seek your written consent. If any information you now supply changes in the future, please notify the school in writing. Please visit our website to view the school’s privacy notice. Tick this box to confirm you understand.CAPTCHA