Planning Application
We are excited to let you know that a planning application will soon be submitted for the redevelopment of Spon Gate Primary School.
The redevelopment of Spon Gate Primary School is funded by the Department for Education as part of the School Rebuilding Programme. Galliford Try has been selected by the Department for Education to design and build the new school.
Two of the existing school buildings are earmarked for demolition and a new two storey school building will be built in a similar location to the largest of the two buildings that are being demolished. The Locally Listed Moat Building will be retained and refurbished.
The proposed redevelopment also includes improved external accessibility around the site, an increased woodland area and a new level hard play area. New accessible parking spaces and cycle shelters are also proposed.
The new school building will include classrooms, a hall, a library, a kitchen, and specialist learning and support spaces.
There will be no change to staff and pupil numbers as a result of the development, and vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements to the site will not be altered.
The new school building will help to tackle climate change through minimising energy demand and using low carbon and renewable energy solutions. This will include solar panels on the roof.
The proposals will ensure continuity of facilities for the school during the build process, with two temporary school buildings required that will be located on the playing field area during construction.
Please click HERE to view a document that outlines our proposals in more detail ahead of the planning application submission.
Please click HERE to see our summary information flyer.
If you have any comments or queries on the current proposals, please send these to [email protected] by 26th April 2024.
Galliford Try will be submitting the planning application in May 2024. Once the application has been submitted, it will be available to view and comment on via Coventry City Council’s online planning portal:
Subject to receiving planning permission the school redevelopment is planned to commence late in 2024.